TCT cutting edges and strong, hardened steel shanks. Includes straight bits 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20mm, dovetail 12.7mm, V-groove 9.5mm and 12.7mm, R6.3mm cove box R3.2mm and R6.3mm, classical 12.7mm, flush trim 12.7mm, chamfer 16mm and 32mm, roman ogee R4mm, rebater 28.6mm, cove bit R9.5mm, rounding over R3.2mm, R6.3mm, R7.9mm and R9.5mm, beading cutter R3.2mm, R6.3mm, R7.9mm and R9.5mmTCT cutting edgesStrong, hardened steel shanksIncludes: straight (5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, & 20mm),14° dovetail (12.7mm), V-groove (60° & 90°),cove box (R3.2 & R6.3mm), classical (12.7mm),flush trim (12.7mm), 45° chamfer (16 & 32mm),roman ogee (R4mm), rebater (28.6mm),cove bit (R6.3 & R9.5mm),rounding over (R3.2, R6.3, R7.9 & R9.5mm),beading cutter (R3.2, R6.3, R7.9 & R9.5mm)