Our goal is to maximize your efficiency. In seeking to guide you through the decision making process, we want to draw your attention to the fact that you will achieve more time savings and therefore achieve a higher hourly rate by focusing on how to clean FASTER, BETTER, and SAFER on 80% of the windows you clean, rather than you would be focusing on the much smaller percentage of the ‘highest windows’ you plan to clean.
Standing at just 4ft 6” compact height, and 25ft of actual pole length (add 5ft Operator height to get ’30ft REACH’), TACTICAL has all the clamps at chest height (starting just 3.5 ft off the base), making it totally convenient to adjust the length of the pole at all times. Adding our new SHOCKSTOP Insulator Extension Handle adds an additional 5ft to the TACTICAL master.
- TACTICAL Master Pole: 100% Carbon Fiber (top 4 sections are Hi-MOD Carbon Fiber)
- SHOCKSTOP: Pole Insulation Handle and 4FT 6" EXTENSION
- 14" RADIAL Brush
- 18" RADIAL Brush
- 14" RADIAL 'ROCKER' Brush
- 12.5" DEEP FRAME 'ROCKER' Brush
- CHECK-iT: TDS Meter
- PRISMS: Ergonomic Safety Glasses
- TRAD POLE PAD: For Trad work with 4 different SCRUBS
- SCRUBS HOLSTER: Carry up to 4 SCRUBS on your belt
- KINK: Simple Water Control
- SCRUBS: 9 different textures for RADIAL WEAPON
- RELOAD HOLSTER: Carry a second brush on your belt